Boyteks, the leading investment of Erciyes Anadolu Holding, one of the biggest groups of Turkey, in the textile sector, carries out all stages from yarn to fabric production in its fully integrated facilities operating with ERP system. Boyteks, one of the world's largest mattress ticking manufacturers with fully integrated facilities, stands out as one of the leading brands of industrial textiles on a global scale.
Social Responsibility Policy
In accordance with Boyteks Environment, Health and Occupational Safety Requirements, entire legal regulations and SA 8000 standards;
- To make our working environments far away from hazards, to ensure that products and services are produced safely, to protect employees against accidents and risks,
- To prevent occupational diseases that may arise from our working environments,
- To remove all kinds of discrimination in employment, pay, job, disciplinary practices, not to employ child labor, to respect the right of all personnel to organize, to act with responsibility consciousness considering minimum living needs of employees in salaried employees,
- Respecting the beliefs and ideas of all our employees and providing them with the necessary conditions and providing them with all kinds of working conditions,
- To provide appropriate work environments for employees with special health conditions (pregnant women, breast-feeding women, having serious disorders, etc.), to take necessary precautions, to make necessary changes and closely follow up the situation of such employees.
- To inform suppliers within the scope of SA 8000, to take into account the Social Responsibility Standards in supplier selection, to regularly supervise their suppliers and to support them to increase their performance recorded under social responsibility,
- In all of our activities, we aim to prevent pollution by taking the principle of protection of the natural environment as a principle, to control the use of natural resources and to increase productivity by eliminating wastes, to continuously work to reduce the use of natural resources,
- To develop energy-reduction projects by monitoring energy use for every situation and process, to increase productivity by investigating alternative sources,
- To increase employee satisfaction and achieve continuous improvement in recorded performance,
- Supporting non-governmental organizations by providing material and spiritual support to projects such as tree planting, school construction, hospital construction and furnishing in the framework of our responsibility for collecting,
- First of all, providing support to our employees by providing scholarships to those who need support, such as relatives, to provide financial and moral support for the health problems of our employees and 1st degree relatives,
- Providing necessary financial and moral support by collaborating with universities, contributing to the development of students,
- To act with collective responsibility and continuous improvement awareness by providing the requirements of existing laws and regulations at all our workplaces.
forms the basis of our social responsibility policy.
A Sapling For Every One In The Memorial Forest
Boyteks, which takes its inspiration from nature and its susceptibility towards the environment, supports the conservation of ecological balance by planting saplings on behalf of all employees and customers in the memorial forest.

Education Support Scholarships
Boyteks does not invest only in the business world but also in communal living and the future and continues without interruption to implement social responsibility projects regarding the conservation of the environment which is the major source of inspiration for individual development. Boyteks also provides all students from elementary school to higher education with scholarships in aid of individual development.
Blood Donation Campaign
As Boyteks sincerely believes in the health of community life and the future, every year during blood donation week, Boyteks cooperates with Kızılay (Turkish Red Crescent) and provides an appropriate environment to facilitate the traditional blood donation of volunteering employees.