Training and Career Development
We prioritize filling all available and newly created positions at Boyteks primarily from within, namely our employees. Our Career Management System is designed to evaluate our employees through the lens of their compatability with our principles, made possible by focusing on their potential, performance, knowledge, skills and behavior, as much as their development, so that the recruitment of qualified employees to senior positions is made possible.
For the vacant managerial positions and positions titled experts, we primarily evaluate in-house candidates (company employees), in case of no suitable candidates, inter-group candidates (group company employees) will be evaluated according to the Assessment Center Application.
- General Talent Test
- Job Fit + Persona Inventory or LEIT Leadership Emotional Intelligence Inventory
- Principle Based Interview
- Case Analysis
- Employee Interview (Role Play)
- We apply a few of the evaluation tools, such as the Specialization Project, according to the title to be promoted.

As Boyteks, we gather all our training and development activities under the roof of Erciyes Anadolu Academy. We enable our employees to improve themselves through various online (e-learning) and in-class training programs within the scope of Erciyes Anadolu Academy.
Erciyes Anadolu Academy is our digital training and development platform which allows for our employees continuous learning and directly affects work performance. Employees are able to take advantage of online (e-learning) training through anytime, anywhere and with any device they wish to use.
We organize in-class trainings, legal compulsory trainings and vocational training every year with the goal of supporting personnel’s development. Newly recruited employees are provided with orientation training consisting of a company introduction, and explanation of prosesses and systems for a smooth adaptation. A personal Development Plan is assigend for every employees who has been through the promotion process, whether their promotion was realized or not. In line with the development plans, a host of training and development activities are put in practice for our employees benefit including online training, articles, books, films, etc.